首页 节日的句子 关于节日活动的英语短语



1、New Year’s Day 新年

2、压岁钱:lucky money

3、赏花灯:enjoy beautiful lanterns

4、decorate the house with balloons 用气球装饰屋子

5、吃元宵、汤圆:have sweet dumplings

6、劳动节 Labor Day/ International Workers” Day/ May Day

7、extend greetings to one’s relatives and friends 向亲戚朋友表达问候

8、put on a performance 演出

9、Spring Festival 春节

10、除夕: New Year”s Eve

11、get together 聚会,联欢

12、春节: Spring Festival

13、猜灯谜:guess lantern riddles

14、express one’s hope for… 表达某人想要得到……的希望

15、踏青、春游:have a spring outing

16、Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

17、红包:red packet/ envelope

18、admire/watch the moon 赏月

19、have a family reunion dinner 吃团圆饭

20、清明节: Qingming Festival/ Tomb-Sweeping Day

21、拜年:pay a New Year call

22、pay a New Year call拜年

23、吃年夜饭:have New Year”s Eve dinner

24、April Fool’s Day 愚人节

25、play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人

26、元宵节: Lantern Festival

27、贴春联:put up Spring Festival couplets

28、hold/observe/celebrate the festival 庆祝节日

29、守岁:stay up late or all night on New Year”s Eve

30、Thanksgiving Day 感恩节


32、放鞭炮:set off firecrackers

